

RISE Day Camp

Welcome to days filled with outdoor play, exploration, and unforgettable memories at RISE Day Camp!
This handbook will help you prepare your child for an exciting and impactful camp experience!

Our Core Values

Empowerment – We’re here to elevate every child’s confidence and growth mindset.
Curiosity – Our camp is a playground for young minds to ask, learn, and discover.
Leadership – Guiding young heroes on their path to becoming tomorrow’s leaders.
Adventure – Every day is a new chapter in their unfolding hero’s tale.


Goals and Outcomes

It is our belief that each camper is a unique individual with unique strengths and interests. Our goal is to introduce the campers to as many positive experiences and learning opportunities as possible. We hope that the experiences we provide will foster curiosity, creativity and a growth mindset in each camper, and encourage the development of leadership skills and good character.

RISE Day Camp’s Goals For Each Camper:

  • To grow personally and build a triumphant spirit
  • To be inspired to be curious, explore, and to try new things
  • To grow in their character development
  • To learn to appreciate others
  • To become better leaders.
  • To have fun!


Daily Camp Schedule

Sample schedule, subject to change based on specific activities

  • 8:30 am – Arrival and Morning Rally
  • 9:00 am – Outdoor Leadership/Growth Mindset Challenges 
  • 10:30 am – Snack and Break
  • 11:00 am – Enrichment Activity (e.g., art or STEM)
  • 12:30 pm – Lunch
  • 1:30 pm – Global Exploration
  • 2:45 pm – Snack and Break
  • 3:00 pm – Outdoor Games and Adventures
  • 4:15pm – Daily Reflection
  • 4:45pm – Free Time
  • 5:30 pm – Departure


Activities and Focus Areas

  • Artistic Explorations: From painting to crafts, exploring creative expressions.
  • STEM Ventures: Hands-on science and tech activities to spark curiosity.
  • Character Building: Activities and discussions tailored to build resilience, kindness, and more.
  • Leadership Games: Team games that foster leadership and collaboration.
  • Global Exploration: Introducing cultures from around the world.


Lunches and Snacks

Campers should eat a nutritious breakfast before being dropped off for camp and bring a healthy non-perishable lunch, two healthy snacks, and a water bottle each day.  Please note, we do not have the capacity to heat or refrigerate lunch or snack items, please plan your child’s meals and snacks accordingly. 

We will provide water refilling stations for the kids, so bringing a refillable water bottle is highly recommended.

RISE has a no-candy policy, please leave sweet treats at home as we try to encourage healthy eating.


About Our Staff

We model the RISE core character values of kindness, honesty, respect, and accountability. We incorporate friendship, and developing a growth mindset into all of our camp activities. Most importantly, we are a team of people who love working with kids. We are creative people with good hearts and a passion for exploring new adventures!

Each staff member is First Aid/CPR certified and required to attend three days of training, in addition to a full background check prior to getting hired.

Staff to Camper Ratios

We operate with a minimum 1:10 staff to camper ratio.


Drop-Off and Pick-Up

Camper Pick-Up Authorization

Only parents, guardians and/or designated caregivers over the age of 18 are authorized to sign a camper in and out of our camp programs. If you need to add a person to your authorized pick-up list, you can do so in your account profile. All adults picking up a camper are required to present a government-issued photo ID.

and Sign-Out Procedures

Each child must be checked into our camp attendance system at drop-off, and checked-out with a staff member at pick-up each day.  

Late Arrivals

For late arrivals, plan for a delay between arriving and your camper being checked in by a staff member and escorted to the group, as our staff and campers are likely in the middle of an adventure!

Late Pick-Ups

Children not picked up at the end of the camp day will be supervised by our staff. A fee of $1 per minute will be charged when your camp ends. For example, when camp ends at 5:30 p.m., and if a child is picked up at 5:55 p.m., there will be a charge of $25. Every attempt will be made to contact parents or a listed authorized pick-up. If by 6:30 p.m. all contacts are not reachable, and the child has not been picked up, Child Protective Services will be contacted. A late fee will be assessed starting at 5:30 p.m. according to our clock.


Safety and Health Procedures

Safety is paramount at RISE Day Camp. We adhere to stringent guidelines to ensure every child’s safety, from background checks for staff to emergency protocols and safety policies. See our health and safety guide

Bathroom Procedures

No camper is ever alone or one-on-one with a staff member. All campers will take trips to the bathroom with the entire camp and/or camp groups of at least three campers escorted by camp staff. Campers will only use bathrooms inspected for safety by camp staff.


Should your camper need to take medication during the program, a camp staff member will administer it as directed. The following items are essential for us to dispense any medication:

  • The medication will need to be checked in with a day camp staff person. Please do not leave the medication with your camper, including over the counter medication, epi-pens, inhalers, creams, eye drops, etc.
  • Medication must be in its original container with labeled prescription instructions.
  • A completed Medication Release form must be signed and submitted: English | Spanish

Illness or Injury

If your Camper becomes ill while at camp, we will contact you to pick him/her up. If your camper is injured, we will take necessary steps to provide first aid. If we are unable to reach you in the event your camper needs medical care, he/she will be transported to the hospital by an ambulance.

It is very important that you notify RISE Day Camp of any changes in your work or emergency phone numbers.

Extreme Weather

Our camps are designed to operate outside for a large part of each day. In the event of extreme weather, we will do what is best to keep campers safe, by utilizing indoor and/or shaded areas of our facility. This may affect their regularly scheduled activities.


Registration, Payment & Refund Policies

Visit our registration page for detailed instructions on how to sign up for camp. Payments and requests for cancellations can be made online through your RISE account portal.

Important Forms Required Prior to Start of Camp

As part of our new safety procedures, all campers must complete and sign a liability waiver and all medical forms online PRIOR to attending RISE Day Camp. We have made this easy for you to update in your RISE account profile. Log into your RISE account and view and sign any incomplete forms or waivers listed in your dashboard.

Forms and waivers include:

  • Liability waiver
  • Medical form
  • Permission to Administer Medication Form
  • Social Media and Photo Release Permission

Refund and Credit Policies

The purpose of our Refund Policy is to allow RISE Day Camp to maintain high quality programs and proper camp ratios while maintaining as much flexibility for parents and campers as we can. Cancellations can be requested through your RISE account profile and take 5-7 working days for processing and will follow the following policies.

  • Refund requests made:
    • More than 45 days before the start date of the camp week: 100% credit or refund minus any deposit or vendor fees.
    • Up to 30 days before the start date of the camp week: 50% credit or refund minus any deposit or vendor fees.
    • Less than 30 days before the start date of the camp week: no refunds or credits will be given for cancellations (medical/special circumstances at RISE’s discretion).
  • Camp deposits are non-refundable.
  • All payments are automated on a designated schedule outlined at time of registration. Balances are due 7 Days before the start day of camp. Unpaid balances will result in a deletion from the program (and loss of deposit) to open space for other registrations. Campers may re-register and pay in full for the camp from which they were deleted.
  • All credits must be used within the same calendar year.


Camp Communication

Our staff will send weekly recaps for each camper along with our camp newsletter so you can stay informed on the fun things your child explored each week of camp, along with photos taken throughout the week.  

We will provide a direct phone number if you need to reach camp staff during camp hours.


Tips and Tricks for The Best Camp Experience Ever!

  • Have an open mind, be ready to participate and be friendly to staff and other campers!
  • Observe RISE’s core character values:
    • Kindness
    • Honesty
    • Respect
    • Accountability
  • Get in the spirit and RISE to the challenge! Each day will bring new adventures, new experiences and opportunities for growth!
  • Come to camp ready to challenge yourself, try something new, and have a ton of fun EVERY DAY!
  • Due to the amount of physical activity and walking, socks and closed-toe tennis shoes are required. 

What to Bring to Camp

  • Refillable Water bottle
  • Hat & sunscreen
  • Lunch and healthy snacks (Lunches and snacks will not be refrigerated, please package them accordingly for the day)
  • Backpack
  • Change of clothes

What Not to Bring to Camp

The following are not allowed at camp:

  • Personal toys
  • Cell phones (If a camper requires a cell phone, it must be stored in the camper’s backpack and cannot be used during camp)
  • Animals
  • Weapons
  • Drugs
  • Alcohol
  • Electronic devices
  • Candy and soda (healthy eating is encouraged)
  • Items of monetary or personal value

Sun Protection

Parents should apply sunscreen before campers arrive at camp in the morning and provide their camper with a bottle of sunscreen in their backpacks, as staff are not able to apply sunscreen to campers and campers will need to re-apply their own sunscreen throughout the day. RISE will have additional sunscreen on-hand for campers that forgot their sunscreen.  If you do not want sunscreen offered to your camper, or would like a special type of sunscreen applied, please send a note to the RISE camp director each Monday and provide them with the special sunscreen.


  • Campers are required to wear closed toe shoes and socks daily.
  • Belongings are the responsibility of the camper. A backpack is helpful in keeping your camper’s belongings in a safe place. Please clearly mark your camper’s belongings with his/her name.
  • Most camp activities take place outside and the fun can get messy!. We encourage you to send your child in old clothes so they can participate freely in activities, e.g., climbing, painting, etc.
  • Oceanside weather, though typically warm, can be chilly in the mornings and evenings. Please pack warmer clothing for your campers to wear during those times, especially in the colder seasons, and rain boots if we anticipate puddles!


Camp Rules

  • Kindness
    • Lead with empathy.
    • Look for opportunities to help others.
    • Keep your hands to yourself and respect other’s personal space and boundaries.
  • Honesty
    • Always tell the truth.
    • Admit to your mistakes – these are great growth opportunities in every hero’s journey!
    • Uphold the expectation of honesty in others and for the group.
  • Respect
    • Always use your good manners and respect our camp space.
    • Keep a positive attitude and hold space for others differences
    • Look at the person you are talking to and do not interrupt others
  • Accountability
    • Be accountable for your own actions.
    • Clean up after yourself.
    • Look for ways to learn from your mistakes.

Camper Behavior Expectations

At RISE Day Camp we want every camper to have the best camp experience possible; full of fun, learning and growth.

To ensure that we maintain a safe environment and each camper is free to experience camp life to its fullest, we will not tolerate any behavior that takes that opportunity away from other campers. We will be addressing all incidents such as bullying and irresponsible behavior seriously, and will train the staff to recognize and deal effectively with such behavior.

Understanding that camp is for ALL campers, any behavior deemed by the camp to be outside of the camper behavior expectations and/or unmanageable may result in any or all of the following:

  • A telephone call home to the parent/ guardian to discuss the behavior.
  • Meeting with the Camp Director 
  • Use of behavior reports.
  • Being separated from the camp program.

As a camper, I will:

  • Show respect to other campers, and treat them as well as I would like to be treated and try to be a friend to all.
  • Have fun, but not at the expense of others.
  • Show respect to camp staff, and cooperate fully with their instructions.
  • Respect the rights of others, and treat others with courtesy and consideration.
  • Communicate in an appropriate manner, which means I must not use foul language or gestures, harsh words or tone of voice.
  • Conduct myself responsibly. I understand that unwelcome teasing or other unkind behaviors are not allowed.
  • Refrain from deliberately causing bodily harm to other campers or staff. I understand that pushing, kicking, hitting or fighting are not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
  • Respect the property of others and camp, which includes no stealing, property damage, graffiti, or vandalism.
  • Remain with the group and within the boundaries that have been set.
  • Be fully responsible for my actions and understand that irresponsible behavior will result in disciplinary action or dismissal from camp.
  • Take responsibility for my personal belongings.
  • Leave my electronics at home.
  • Know and follow the rules of camp.
  • Have lots of fun, learn, grow, and have a great time!

Positive Guidance Policy

  1. Guidance focuses on the expected, appropriate behavior, rather than on the negative, inappropriate behavior.
  2. Guidance is a process of teaching, learning, and positive reinforcement.
  3. Set developmentally appropriate guidelines for campers.
  4. Verbal abuse or name calling is not permitted. Guidance will not be associated with food, rest or toilet training.
  5. Corporal (physical) punishment will never be allowed.
  6. Procedure requires organized process of guidance. Limits are set to foster kind, honest, respectful, accountable, and self-sufficient campers. Positive guidance is integrated into the overall program plan of the camper care setting.
  7. Behavioral concerns of individual camper are not discussed with other parents.

Thank you for choosing RISE Day Camp. Together, let’s make each school break a memorable camp experience for every young hero!